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====HACKING IN THE WORLD====|*^*|====[GURU]====
HEX2005 - Hacking EXtreme 2005 -
The International Hacker Open Air Gatheringvai al sito

August 2005, The Netherlands
Technology, Art, Culture and Politics…
Magazine Archive (1989-1994)vai al sito

A gennaio del 1989 esce il primo numero della rivista olandese "Hack-Tic" (Darmstadt, Olanda,, tra i cui fondatori vi sono Rop Gonggrijp and Paul Jongsma. HackTic contiene articoli sull'hacking, il phreaking, i virus, ed altro.
Personal Home Pagevai al sito

This is the personal web site of Richard Stallman. The views expressed here are my personal views, not those of the Free Software Foundation or GNU Project. For their views and for information about them, see
A comprehensive compendium of hacker slang vai al sito

The site has recently moved to a new host and the URL has changed. All old requests should continue to work but you should update your bookmarks and scripts to use the new address as soon as possible: This will help me track usage stats much better than before. Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience. You can find out more about The Jargon File on the official Jargon File Resources page. Go there for information about adding or changing entries, quoting the file, or ordering the printed version from MIT Press.
The Cult of Dead Cow/Main Sitevai al sito

Warning: This site may contain explicit descriptions of or advocate one or more of the following: adultery, murder, morbid violence, bad grammar, deviant sexual conduct in violent contexts, or the consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs. Then again, it may not. Who knows?
The Cult of Dead Cow/Blog Pagevai al sito

Braindumps. Rants. Mind viruses. Deadly memes. Extreme fashion statements. Direct from the hackers of the CULT OF THE DEAD COW. Taste the 31337 hax0r flavah. W0rd.
2600 The Hacker Quarterlyvai al sito

La rivista 2600, il cui editor è Emmanuel Goldstein, costituisce per diversi anni, insieme a Phrak, il punto di riferimento per tutta la cultura underground dei BBS, popolati nei loro primi anni di vita da personaggi animati dalla mania ossessiva di carpire fino all’ultimo dettaglio del funzionamento di ogni sistema elettronico, dalla rete telefonica al microprocessore del proprio computer. È proprio grazie a questa curiosità e a questo tipo di approccio che la tecnologia informatica diventa popolare e diffusa. Con un paziente lavoro di condivisione delle informazioni, la conoscenza dei calcolatori cessa di appartenere a una élite tecnocratica per entrare nel mondo delle controculture digitali. [Gubitosa]
Phrackvai al sito

The phrack magazine is published periodical. As always, an article will make it into a phrack release if it has not been published yet, covers topics of special interest for the audience or reveals new information or techniques which were not known before. Topics of interest are security, hacking, phreaking, anarchy, cryptography, spying, radio broadcasting, coding, conspiracy, world news.
Hackers on Planet Earthvai al sito

Nell'Agosto 1997 si è tenuta la seconda conferenza internazionale degli hackers: Beyond HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth), organizzata dalla rivista 2600, a cui hanno partecipato più di 1500 hacker. La prima si era tenuta, a New York, nell' Agosto 1994 per festeggiare il decimo anno della rivista 2600.
Hackers on Planet Earthvai al sito

The 4th HOPE conference, sponsored by 2600.
Hacking in Progressvai al sito

Conferenza di hackers olandesi tenutasi nel 1997.
Hackers at Largevai al sito

I'm sorry, you're a few years too late... HIP [Hacking in Progress] was in 1997, and all that remains are memories (and a tombstone). But not all is lost! There's still an opportunity to enjoy a festival like HIP... as you may have noticed, the year is 2001 and that means it's time for HIP's succesor. It is called "Hackers at Large" (HAL 2001), and of course there's a website.
Genocide2006vai al sito

We are simply a group of talented people. Nothing more nothing less. A group of people from all walks of life, from 14years old to 52years old. Some of the group don't even know what a password file is, hell some of them don't even know how to turn on a computer. But the point is, everyone specializes in something and they offer thier services to the rest of the group. We even have lawyers that assist us...should the need arise. Everyone helps everyone else in whatever they do, however they can offer thier expertise in thier chosen field. Most of the group was chosen by my hand, but now our numbers have grown so large, I have appointed "heads" that manage areas, ie: one head per Alaska, Washington and now the East coast. Most of our members choose to stay behind the viel, in other words they don't choose to be public thus they are protected and they speak to those of us who are in the open. [Genocide]
Electronic Frontier Foundationvai al sito

Based in San Francisco, EFF is a donor-supported membership organization working to protect our fundamental rights regardless of technology; to educate the press, policymakers and the general public about civil liberties issues related to technology; and to act as a defender of those liberties. Among our various activities, EFF opposes misguided legislation, initiates and defends court cases preserving individuals' rights, launches global public campaigns, introduces leading edge proposals and papers, hosts frequent educational events, engages the press regularly, and publishes a comprehensive archive of digital civil liberties information at one of the most linked-to websites in the world:
[In Italia: Alcei, Associazione per la Libertà nella Comunicazione Elettronica Interattiva]
Computer Underground Hackers Conventionvai al sito

Defcon is a convention for the more "underground" elements of the computer culture. Defcon is geared towards hackers, programmers, phreaks, cyberpunks, cypherpunks, open source hackers, civil liberty and privacy advocates, HAMs, casual bystanders, lookieloos, feds, reporters, and anyone interested in seeing what's going on in the computer underground today.
Chaos Computer Clubvai al sito

The hacker ethics were first written down by Steven Levy in his book Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution(ISBN 0-440-13405-6, 1984). He mentions the Tech Model Railroad Club at MIT, their members constructed a supersystem of relays and switches - some of them became core members the ai lab. They used the term "hack" for an "elaborate ... prank" with "serious respect implied". The hacker ethics evolved in a time when computers were scarce; and the people sharing a machine had to think about rules of cooperation. The last two point are additions by the CCC from the 80s.
Personal Home Pagevai al sito

Dominio e home di Eric S. Raymond.
Kevin Mitnickvai al sito

Sito dedicato a Kevin Mitnick.
T. Shimomuravai al sito

In recent years Shimomura has also worked in the area of computer security research. He has consulted with a number of government agencies on security and computer crime issues. In 1992 he testified before a Congressional Committee chaired by Representative Edward Markey on issues surrounding the lack of privacy and security in cellular telephones. In February 1995 he helped several online service and Internet companies track down computer outlaw Kevin Mitnick, who had stolen software and electronic mail from Shimomura's computers. He is the author of Takedown: The Pursuit and Capture of America's Most Wanted Computer Outlaw -- By The Man Who Did It, with John Markoff< (Hyperion, January 1996).
Hacker Emergency Response Teamvai al sito

Exactly like CERT our US counterpart, our first goal is to provide accurate information about computer security vulnerabilities, provide incident response services to sites that have been the victims of attacks, publish security alerts and find new vulnerabilities.
etoy.CORPORATIONvai al sito

Free Software Foundationvai al sito

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Project. FSF receives very little funding from corporations or grant-making foundations. We rely on support from individuals like you who support FSF's mission to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users. Last year, over 67% of our operating funds came from individual donors. That ongoing support is the primary way we can continue our work.
Free Software Foundation Europavai al sito

Benvenuti nella home page della Free Software Foundation Europa. La FSF Europe è stata avviata il 10 Marzo 2001 e opera su tutti gli aspetti Europei del Software Libero e in particolar modo del Progetto GNU. Supporta attivamente lo sviluppo di Software Libero e i sistemi basati su GNU come GNU/Linux. Inoltre fornisce un centro di competenze di politici, avvocati e giornalisti in modo da assicurare un futuro legale, politico e sociale al Software Libero.
GNU's Not Unix!vai al sito

Welcome to the GNU Project web server, The GNU Project was launched in 1984 to develop a complete Unix-like operating system which is free software: the GNU system. (GNU is a recursive acronym for ``GNU's Not Unix''; it is pronounced "guh-NEW".) Variants of the GNU operating system, which use the kernel Linux, are now widely used; though these systems are often referred to as ``Linux'', they are more accurately called GNU/Linux systems.
John T Draper (AKA Captain Crunch)
cap'n crunch in cyberspacevai al sito

Welcome to my home in Cyberspace. Be my guest as I guide you through my unique life with anecdotes of my past deeds, some frowned upon by the authorities.
Steve Wozniakvai al sito

A Silicon Valley icon and philanthropist for the past three decades, Steve Wozniak, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Wheels of Zeus (wOz), helped shape the computing industry with his design of Apple's first line of products the Apple I and II and influenced the popular Macintosh.
Home Pagevai al sito

Dennis M. Ritchie is head of the System Software Research department in the Computing Sciences Research Center of Bell Labs / Lucent Technologies in Murray Hill, NJ. I was born Sept. 9, 1941 in Bronxville, N.Y., and received Bachelor's and advanced degrees from Harvard University, where as an undergraduate I concentrated in Physics and as a graduate student in Applied Mathematics. The subject of my 1968 doctoral thesis was subrecursive hierarchies of functions. My undergraduate experience convinced me that I was not smart enough to be a physicist, and that computers were quite neat. My graduate school experience convinced me that I was not smart enough to be an expert in the theory of algorithms and also that I liked procedural languages better than functional ones. I joined Bell Labs in 1967, following my father, Alistair E. Ritchie, who had a long career there. His most visible public accomplishment was as co-author of The Design of Switching Circuits, with W. Keister and S. Washburn; it was an influential book on switching theory and logic design just before the transistor era. Soon after, I contributed to the Multics project, then a joint effort of Bell Labs, MIT, and General Electric. I helped with a compiler for the BCPL language on the Multics machine (GE 645) and on the GE 635 under the GECOS system. Also, I wrote the compiler for ALTRAN, a language and system for symbolic calculation. Subsequently, I aided Ken Thompson in creating the Unix operating system.

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